• News(14-03-2022)

    As per Govt. resolution No. FGV-36/04 – 18851/Ag. dated 01.06.2005, Odisha State Seed Certification agency(OSSCA) has started functioning as certification Agency for organic Farming and Farm Products. Accordingly, OSSCA has been re-named as Odisha State Seed & Organic Products Certification agency (OSSOPCA) vide resolution No.
    FG-V-08/2008- 17433/Ag dt. 30.05.2008 & Odisha State Organic
    Certification Agency (OSOCA) has been carved out of OSSOPCA with
    headquarters at Bhubaneswar and registered under Societies Registration Act (Act XXI of 1860), 1860 with Registrar of Societies, Odisha, Cuttack.
    The Registration Number is 22904/ 114 of 2008-2009. OSOCA has been designated to act as Organic Inspection and Certification Agency for the State by Govt. of Odisha in Agriculture Department. Recently, OSOCA has been accredited by the National Accreditation Body (NAB) of Govt of India to act as Inspection & Certification Agency for Organic Crop Production with effect from 01.06.2012.
  • News (17-01-2022)


    The Seed Certification Agency is to ensure seed of superior crop plant variety available to farmers through seed certification. The Agency verifies:-
    1. Genetical identity of a variety with respect to its
    distinctness, uniformity and stability parameters.
    2. High degree of physical purity.
    3. High standards of germinability to give rise to vigorous seedlings.
    4. Freedom from all designated seed borne diseases, weeds and other crop seeds, thereby qualifying the minimum prescribed standards, which should be ascertainable under field and laboratory condition.
  • News (6-07-2021)


    At the time of establishing independent Seed Certification Agencies, it was envisaged that within a period of five years the Agency would be self-supporting from their receipts to be obtained from different seed
    producing agencies. But during last 30 years, it could not be possible to make Odisha State Seed & Organic Products Certification Agency self- supported as the area under seed production has not increased proportionately.
    Considering this aspect and with an aim to achieve more area under seed production, the Agency has launched a programme for establishing Private Seed Industry under the Industrial Policy Resolution of State Govt., October 1992. Participation of more than 50 Private Seed Entrepreneurs may bring a large area under seed production and existing income of Odisha State Seed & Organic Products Certification Agency will thereby increase in future. In addition, a massive programme under Special Seed Village Scheme of GOI has been launched to attract and involve more growers for Seed Production & Certification.
  • News (2-04-2019)


    OSSOPCA 7th Pramanika Letter
    List of Seed Growers(Dist Wise)
    List of Processing Plant
    List of SCO & ASCO Information
    Circle Wise Crop Registered Report
    Agency-Wise Verified Report.
    Seed Grower Online Registration System.
    SCO wise Agency wise seed cerification and P/S/T status
     SCO wise crop registration Status.
    Seed Certification during Kharif    2013, 2012, 2011 , 2010 , 2009
    Seed Certification during Rabi     2013-14 ,2012-13 , 2011-12 ,2010-11 , 2009-10